Changing Gears

Sunrise. Mt. Bromo. Java, Indonesia

I know… I haven’t posted in awhile. A long while. It’s not that I’ve given up. Or that I’ve stopped traveling. In fact, I’ve been moving around a lot. Since my month in Morocco (my last blog), I’ve spent six months in Thailand. Three months back in the States. Then off to Bali, traveling with my daughter Summer. Then a quick stop in Singapore. Onto Cambodia and now I’m in Luang Prabang, Laos, nestled next to the Mekong River in a lovely cafe. Wow.

A few friends have asked, “What’s going on? When are we going to read about your travels?”

I do have some reasons for my absence. As one friend described it, I’m in “feast” mode — focusing more on devouring experiences than digesting them and spitting them out. (Sounds catchy so I’ll keep it.) And let’s face it, it’s hard to find time to sit down and write when everyday is a new adventure.

Another reason is my underlying dissatisfaction for what my blog had become. My posts seemed linear — a step by step outline of where I had been and what I was doing. They were also long and getting longer. Not to mention they were taking me months to write. Over time I was losing the enthusiasm to write them.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m proud of what I had put together over these last few years, but it was time for a change. A reinvent.

So here it goes…

I want my posts to be more random. I want to talk about whatever interests me; wherever I am in the world. I might flash back to a place I’ve already visited or jump forward to where I currently am. I may write about how travel have changed me, or what I pack in my bags. I may talk about what it’s like to see America from a foreign land or even something as mundane as the local food that I’ve discovered (which is often the highlight of my day).

Basically I want shorter posts and I want to send them out more often. By doing this, I hope they will be more satisfying for everyone and keep me engaged.

(if you want to know more accurately where I am at any given time, it is best to check my Instagram account: @jscottogden)

Let’s see if it works.


Please know that I humbly thank you all for finding the time to read about my journey. The world is a big place and I love knowing that you are joining me at my side.


Thailand… the beginning


Moroccan Magic